diciembre 18, 2014

Specific Rules #1 for Title (required) for Entire Journal Titles Vancouver Style: Journal titles not in English

For non-English journal titles in the roman alphabet (French, German, Spanish, Italian, etc.), provide the name in the original language.

Sante Mentale au Quebec. Montreal (QC): Communaute et Sante Mentale. Vol. 1, 1976 - . French.

For a journal title in a non-roman alphabet:

— Romanize (write in the roman alphabet) titles in Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, or Hebrew or in a character-based language (Chinese, Japanese, Korean). A good authority for romanization is the ALA-LC Romanization Tables.

Problemy Tuberkuleza i Boleznei Legkikh. Moscow: Meditsina. No. 1, 2003 - . Russian.

Refu'at ha-Peh veha-Shinayim: it'on ha-Histadrut li-Refu'at Shinayim be-Yi′sra'el.

Jerusalem: ha-Histadrut. Vol. 13, 1996 - . Hebrew.

Taehan Kan Hakhoe Chi. Seoul (Korea): Taehan Kan Hakhoe. Vol. 1, 1995 - Vol. 9, No. 4, Dec 2003. Korean.

— It is not NLM practice, but you may translate journal titles in character-based languages.

Korean Journal of Hepatology. Seoul (Korea): Taehan Kan Hakhoe. Vol. 1, 1995 - Vol. 9, No. 4, Dec 2003. Korean.

Ignore diacritics, accents, and special characters in titles. This rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications.

— Treat letters marked with diacritics or accents as if they are not marked.

Å treated as A

Ø treated as O

Ç treated as C

Ł treated as L

à treated as a

ĝ treated as g

ñ treated as n

ü treated as u

— Treat two or more letters printed as a unit (ligated letters) as if they are two letters.

æ treated as ae

œ treated as oe

Provide an English translation after the original language or romanized title when possible; place translations in square brackets.

Archives des Maladies du Coeur et des Vaisseaux [Archives of Diseases of the Heart and Vessels]. Paris: Bailliere. Vol. 30, No. 4, Apr 1937 - . French.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 1: Journals


General Rules for Title (required) for Entire Journal Titles Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Title (required) for Entire Journal Titles Vancouver Style: Journal titles not in English

Specific Rules #2 for Title (required) for Entire Journal Titles Vancouver Style: Journals appearing in more than one language

Specific Rules #3 for Title (required) for Entire Journal Titles Vancouver Style: Journals appearing in different editions

Examples for Title (required) for Entire Journal Titles Vancouver Style

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