diciembre 31, 2015

Specific Rules #1 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple years of publication

For multiple years of publication, separate the first and last year of publication by a hyphen. Do not shorten the second of the two years to the last two digits.




If months are given, place them after the year. Use English names for months and abbreviate them using the first three letters.

1999 Oct-2000 Mar

2002 Dec-2003 Jan

Separate multiple months of publication by a hyphen.

2005 Jan-Feb

1999 Dec-2000 Jan

Separate multiple seasons by a hyphen; for example, Fall-Winter. Do not abbreviate names of seasons.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple years of publication

Specific Rules #2 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for months

Specific Rules #3 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Seasons instead of months

Specific Rules #4 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Date of publication and date of copyright

Specific Rules #5 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No date of publication, but a date of copyright

Specific Rules #6 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No date of publication or copyright can be found

Specific Rules #7 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Options for date of publication

Examples for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Libraries: innovative spaces to dream, think, and create | Chad Mairn»

«Libraries: innovative spaces to dream, think, and create | Chad Mairn | TEDxTampaRiverwalk

»"Libraries", says Chad, ” are more than a storage house for books; they are friendly places for discovery where creativity and learning is nurtured! Do it yourself (DIY) culture has permeated into libraries giving patrons of all ages a chance to dream, think, and create interesting things...”

»Chad Mairn is a librarian, teacher, author, and self-described geek who frequently shares his enthusiasm for ‘all-things technology’ as a speaker at library and technology conferences. He is an Information Services Librarian, adjunct professor, and also manages the Innovation Lab at St. Petersburg College.Chad also plays drums in Fowler’s Bluff, a local rock band with their own craft beer with the same name, because librarians are Rock Stars!

»This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at http://ted.com/tedx» (TEDx Talks - TEDxTampaRiverwalk)

«Comment augmenter crédibilité avec le triangle rhétorique»

«COMMUNICATION - Comment augmenter crédibilité avec le triangle rhétorique.

»Bonjour, c'est Jean-Marc Terrel auteur, entrepreneur et fondateur de COACHEO. J'aide les professionnels du Conseil et de la Formation à Faire de leurs talents un business à succès!» (Jean-Marc Terrel)

diciembre 30, 2015

General Rules for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Always give the year of publication.

Convert roman numerals to arabic numbers. For example: MM to 2000.

Include the month of publication, if desired, after the year, such as 2004 May.

Use English names for months and abbreviate them using the first three letters, such as Jan.

End date information with a period.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple years of publication

Specific Rules #2 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for months

Specific Rules #3 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Seasons instead of months

Specific Rules #4 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Date of publication and date of copyright

Specific Rules #5 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No date of publication, but a date of copyright

Specific Rules #6 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No date of publication or copyright can be found

Specific Rules #7 for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Options for date of publication

Examples for Date of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«What to expect from libraries in the 21st century: Pam Sandlian Smith»

«What to expect from libraries in the 21st century: Pam Sandlian Smith at TEDxMileHigh.

»Why do we still need libraries in the age of digital, real-time information? In this emotional talk, Pam Sandlian Smith shows how she works to use the library as a hub for community-based knowledge creation and discourse.

»In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)» (TEDx Talks - TEDxMileHigh)

«Ortografía de los signos de interrogación y exclamación»

De las preguntas más frecuentes planteadas por los
usuarios del servicio de consultas lingüísticas
de la Academia Española de la Lengua

«A diferencia de lo que ocurre en otras lenguas, los signos de interrogación y exclamación son signos dobles en español, como los paréntesis o los corchetes. Por tanto, es incorrecto prescindir del signo de apertura en los enunciados interrogativos o exclamativos:

»¿Quién le ha llamado? (no Quién le ha llamado?).

»¡Qué prisa tienes! (no Qué prisa tienes!).

»Por otra parte, después del signo de cierre de interrogación o exclamación se puede escribir cualquier signo de puntuación salvo el punto:

»¡Ah!, olvidaba darte esto.

»¿Han terminado ya de preparar la mesa?

»—¿Qué vamos a comer? —preguntó.

»Cuando los signos de cierre (? !) constituyen el final del enunciado, la palabra que sigue se escribe con mayúscula inicial.

»¿Dónde está el restaurante? Olvidé mirarlo en la guía.

»¡Qué frío! Coge el abrigo y la bufanda.

»Más información

»Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, s/v interrogación y exclamación
(signos de)

«The Singing Grammarian: Learn Greek by Song. The Definite Article Song»

«Learn the Greek Definite Article paradigm with this song from the Singing Grammarian. Enjoy the entire 18 song Singing Grammarian collection on YouTube, or download the entire set of HD video and audio for only $5 at dannyzacharias.net» (Danny Zacharias)

diciembre 29, 2015

Specific Rules #6 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No publisher can be found

If no publisher can be determined, use the words "publisher unknown" placed in square brackets.

Alizai S, Zia A. [Chanesar Goth and Landhi]. Islamabad (Pakistan): [publisher unknown]; [1993?]. 53 p. (Gender differentials in access to health care for Pakistani children; vol. 3).


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Abbreviated words in publisher names

Specific Rules #2 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for publishers

Specific Rules #3 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

Specific Rules #4 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #5 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple publishers

Specific Rules #6 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No publisher can be found

Examples for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Metodologías de análisis textual y análisis cualitativo de datos. Videoclase | UNED | Prof. César A. Cisneros Puebla»

«En esta breve presentación se describirán algunas discusiones conceptuales a la luz de diferenciar tradiciones de investigación vinculadas al análisis de textos. De vital importancia es establecer las bases de ciertas distinciones que permiten dilucidar diferencias y aprovechar al máximo las potencialidades de los enfoques al aplicarse con propiedad. Seguramente generará polémica pero el objetivo es contribuir a la construcción del conocimiento y reflexión cualitativa sobre la producción textual. Vídeo disponible en: http://canal.uned.es/mmobj/index/id/23257.html» (UNED Cursos)

«The library of the future | Melanie Florencio»

«I'm the teacher in that maker space, and I teach everything: animation, typographic design, sound design...,» says Melanie J. Florencio (1:28...)

«The library of the future | Melanie Florencio | TEDxCreativeCoast.

»This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. The introduction of a "Maker Space" at the Beaufort, SC public library system marks a transition for libraries where content is no longer simply absorbed, but also created.

»Originally from the Charleston, SC area, Melanie J. Florencio is a digital media lab instructor, adjunct art professor, and comic illustrator. She studied Sequential Art at the Savannah College of Art and Design for her Bachelor's and Master's degrees. Post graduation in 2011, she taught art and design at two Charleston colleges while freelancing comic book projects. Currently, Melanie enjoys sharing her artistic knowledge and talents with the Beaufort County, SC community through demonstrations, workshops, and lectures for the public library system as well as adjuncting art classes online for the local colleges.

»About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)» (TEDx Talks - TEDxCreativeCoast)

diciembre 26, 2015

Specific Rules #5 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple publishers

If more than one publisher is found in a document, use the first one given or the one set in the largest type or bold type.

An alternative is to use the publisher likely to be most familiar to the audience of the reference list. For example, use an American publisher for a US audience and a London publisher for a British one.

Do not list multiple publishers. For those publications with joint or co-publishers, use the name given first as the publisher and include the name of the other(s) as a note if desired. For example, use "Jointly published by the Canadian Pharmacists Association".

End publisher information with a semicolon.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Abbreviated words in publisher names

Specific Rules #2 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for publishers

Specific Rules #3 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

Specific Rules #4 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #5 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple publishers

Specific Rules #6 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No publisher can be found

Examples for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«La empatía»

«La Empatía - Tarea Virtual - Habilidades Comunicacionales 2015.

»Fede Núñez.

»Ciclo Básico Clínico Comunitario.

»Grupo: 53b.

»Octubre 2015.

»Tarea Virtual Final.

»Docente: Gracy Gómez.

»Autor: Federico Nuñez Rivero.» (Fede Núñez)

«Jornada Universitaria de Difusión del Hogar Digital en Cuenca»

«Jornada Universitaria de Difusión de las nuevas Oportunidades y Normativa en Hogar Digital en Cuenca.

»Celebramos en el Salón de Actos de la Escuela Politécnica de la UCLM de Cuenca, conjuntamente con la Asociación Castellano-Manchega de Ingenieros Técnicos de Telecomunicación, el Día de las Telecomunicaciones 2011 con una Jornada de Difusión del Hogar Digital.» (CuencaOn)

diciembre 24, 2015

Specific Rules #4 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Two or more organizations may co-publish a book.

Use the first organization appearing as publisher on the title page or the verso (back) of the title page.

Place the name of the other organization(s) as a note at the end of the citation, if desired.

Co-published by the Canadian Medical Association.

Do not give more than one name as publisher.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Abbreviated words in publisher names

Specific Rules #2 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for publishers

Specific Rules #3 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

Specific Rules #4 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #5 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple publishers

Specific Rules #6 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No publisher can be found

Examples for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Hamza Yusuf: “The Power of Rhetoric”»

«This clip highlights a discussion in correlation with the text: The Office of Assertion: An Art of Rhetoric for the Academic Essay, by Scott Forrest Crider. www.zaytuna.edu.» (Zaytuna College)

«Contenidos digitales»

«La industria de contenidos digitales se encuentra en el espacio de convergencia de la producción Creativa y las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC).

»De acuerdo con la Unesco "el término industria cultural se refiere a aquellas industrias que combinan la creación, la producción y la comercialización de contenidos creativos que sean intangibles y de naturaleza cultural.» (Ministerio TIC Colombia)

diciembre 23, 2015

Specific Rules #3 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

When citing publishers that are national bodies such as government agencies, if a nationality is not part of the name, place the country in parentheses after the name, using the two-letter ISO country code (see Appendix D).

National Cancer Institute (US)

National Society on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NZ)

Royal Society of Medicine Press Ltd. (GB)

Royal College of Physicians (AU), Paediatrics & Child Health Division

Do not confuse the publisher with the distributor of documents for the publisher. For example, the most common distributors of US government agency publications are the US Government Printing Office (GPO) and the National Technical Information Service (NTIS). Designate the agency that issued the publication as the publisher and include distributor information as a note. Begin with the phrase "Available from" followed by a colon and a space. Add the name of the distributor, the city and state, and the accession or order number.

Jones FD, Sparacino LR, Wilcox VL, Rothberg JM, Stokes JW, editors. War psychiatry. Falls Church (VA): Department of the Army (US), Office of the Surgeon General; 1995. 508 p. (Lounsbury DE, editor. Textbooks of military medicine). Available from: US Government Printing Office, Washington, DC; D 104.35:PT.1/V.4.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Abbreviated words in publisher names

Specific Rules #2 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for publishers

Specific Rules #3 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

Specific Rules #4 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #5 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple publishers

Specific Rules #6 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No publisher can be found

Examples for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Entrevista a Darío Villanueva» (Canal UNED)

«La UNED en TVE-2

»Serie: Lengua, gramática y estilo.

»Fecha de emisión: 27-11-2015.

»José Romera Castillo, catedrático de Literatura UNED, entrevista a Darío Villanueva Prieto, director de la Real Academia Española.


»José Nicolás Romera Castillo catedrático Literatura Española, UNED.

»Darío Villanueva Prieto director RAE.

»Vídeo disponible en: https://canal.uned.es/mmobj/index/id/46337.html» (Canal UNED)

«Mejores Momentos y Testimoniales 2°Congreso Latinoamericano Chile Digital 2015»

«Santiago de Chile fue el 8 y 9 Julio 2015 capital tecnológica y de negocios de América Latina , ve los mejores momentos del Congreso, Innovación, Networking, TICs, IoT, Mobile, e-Commerce, Marketing Digital, testimonios de asistentes , empresas expositoras, Erik Qualman, Mauricio Bustamanete, Jon Matonis y del Ex –Presidente de la Republica Ricardo Lagos, http://congreso.chile-digital.com.

»Santiago de Chile, 8-9 July 2015, was the tech and business capital of AMERICAS, watch the best moments of the Technology and Business Congress America Digital 2015, Innovation, Networking, ICTs, Mobile, IoT, e-Commerce, Digital Marketing, testimonials from attendees, exhibitors, Erik Qualman, Mauricio Bustamante, Jon Matonis and Ex Presidente Ricardo Lagos, http://congreso.chile-digital.com.» (CongresoChileDigital)

«Mayúscula o minúscula en los meses, los días de la semana y las estaciones del año»

De las preguntas más frecuentes planteadas por los
usuarios del servicio de consultas lingüísticas
de la Academia Española de la Lengua

«Salvo que la mayúscula venga exigida por la puntuación (a comienzo de texto o después de punto), los nombres de los días de la semana, de los meses y de las estaciones del año se escriben en español con minúscula inicial:

»Nació el pasado martes, 22 de noviembre.

»En Caracas, a 6 de mayo de 2005.

»Esta primavera ha llovido mucho.

»Solo se inician con mayúscula cuando forman parte de nombres que exigen la escritura de sus componentes con mayúscula inicial, como ocurre con los nombres de festividades, fechas o acontecimientos históricos, vías urbanas, edificios, etc.:

»Viernes Santo,

»Primavera de Praga,

»plaza del Dos de Mayo,

»Hospital Doce de Octubre.»

diciembre 22, 2015

Specific Rules #2 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for publishers

Give publisher names in the roman alphabet (French, Spanish, Italian, etc.) in their original language.

Rome: Societa Editrice Universo;

Lisbon: Imprensa Medica;

Romanize names in Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean.

Sofia (Bulgaria): Sofia Medizina i Fizkultura;

Romanize names or translate names in character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese). Place all translated publisher names in square brackets unless the translation is given in the publication.

Tokyo: Medikaru Rebyusha;

Beijing (China): [Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Population Research Institute];

Taiyuan (China): Shanxi ke xue ji she chu ban she;

[Note that the concept of capitalization does not exist in Chinese. Therefore in transliterating Chinese publisher names only the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.]

If the name of a division or another part of an organization is included in the publisher information, give the names in hierarchical order from highest to lowest.

Valencia (Spain): Universidade de Valencia, Instituto de Historia de la Ciencia y Documentacion Lopez Pinero;

Ignore diacritics, accents, and special characters in names. This rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications.

Treat letters marked with diacritics or accents as if they are not marked.

Å treated as A

Ø treated as O

Ç treated as C

Ł treated as L

à treated as a

ĝ treated as g

ñ treated as n

ü treated as u

Treat two or more letters printed as a unit (ligated letters) as if they are two letters.

æ treated as ae

œ treated as oe

If desired, follow a non-English name with a translation. Place all translated publisher names in square brackets.

Aarhus (Denmark): Aarhus-Universitetsforlag [Aarhus University Press];

As an option, you may translate all publisher names not in English. Place all translated publisher names in square brackets unless the translation is given in the publication.

Aarhus (Denmark): [Aarhus University Press];


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Abbreviated words in publisher names

Specific Rules #2 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for publishers

Specific Rules #3 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

Specific Rules #4 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #5 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple publishers

Specific Rules #6 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No publisher can be found

Examples for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«What is typography? - A nice lesson from the Vancouver film school»

«Qué decir en una boda. Ideas y consejos para discursos»

«¿Te han pedido que digas unas palabras, o leas un texto en una boda y no sabes qué decir?. Aqui tienes consejos e ideas para que redactes tu discurso de forma rápida y sencilla.» (Allen Psych)

diciembre 18, 2015

Specific Rules #1 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Abbreviated words in publisher names

Abbreviate commonly used words in publisher names, if desired.


Acad. for Academy

Assoc. for Association

Co. for Company

Coll. for College

Corp. for Corporation

Dept. for Department

Div. for Division

Inst. for Institute or Institution

Ltd. for Limited

Soc. for Society

Univ. for University

See Appendix C for more abbreviations of commonly used English words.

Be consistent. If you abbreviate a word in one reference in a list of references, abbreviate the same word in all references.

Follow all abbreviated words with a period.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Abbreviated words in publisher names

Specific Rules #2 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for publishers

Specific Rules #3 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

Specific Rules #4 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #5 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple publishers

Specific Rules #6 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No publisher can be found

Examples for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Pragmatismo, Semiótica y Pragmática Trascendental»

«Pragmatismo, Semiótica y Pragmática Trascendental. Sus concepciones y aplicaciones en nuestra era, trabajo de Filosofía del Lenguaje en la Escuela de Ciencias de la Comunicación. USAC, Ciudad de Guatemala.» (José Hernández)

(Texto editado.)

«La interacción con el Patrimonio Cultural en la era digital»

«Conferencia Internacional: La interacción con el Patrimonio Cultural en la era digital - Sesión 2.

»Emitido en directo el 4 dic. 2015.

»La Red temática Tecnologías digitales para la difusión del Patrimonio Cultural concluye su primer periodo de trabajo académico con un diálogo internacional.

»En esta segunda sesión participan:

»Luigina Ciolfi - Habilitando conversaciones con el patrimonio cultural: el diseño de tecnologías participativas que unen lo material y lo digital.

»Erik Champion - Proyectos de patrimonio virtual vs. la infraestructura del patrimonio digital.

»Diego Jiménez - Técnicas de aprendizaje automático para un análisis previo a la difusión del patrimonio cultural.

»Sede: Museo Nacional de Antropología.» (INAH TV)

diciembre 17, 2015

General Rules for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

A publisher is defined as the individual or organization issuing the volume.

Record the name of the publisher as it appears in the publication, using whatever capitalization and punctuation is found there.

Abbreviate well-known publisher names if desired but with caution to avoid confusion. For example, "John Wiley & Sons, Ltd." may become simply "Wiley".

When a division or other subsidiary part of a publisher is given, enter the publisher name first. For example: McGraw-Hill, Health Professions Division.

End publisher information with a semicolon.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Abbreviated words in publisher names

Specific Rules #2 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for publishers

Specific Rules #3 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Government agencies and other national and international bodies as publisher

Specific Rules #4 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #5 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple publishers

Specific Rules #6 for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No publisher can be found

Examples for Publisher (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Production 8 - L'homme numérique 1»

«L'homme numérique est né de la contemplation d'un mur d'écrans au Palais de Tokyo à Paris. Le réel devient virtuel, les écrans submergent nos vies, ils nous fascinent, le numérique est notre avenir, pourrions-nous exister aujourd'hui sans lui? Plusieurs tableaux dans cette vidéo, musique planante (3 semaines de travail), la scène finale comprend 6 vidéos simultanées et 4 animations d'image.» (JBS Electro Thématique)

«Les mystères de la rhétorique – Laurent Pernot»

«Publié le 22 sept. 2014.

»Conférence extraite du colloque "Hommage à Jacqueline de Romilly: l’empreinte de son œuvre", organisé par l’Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres et l’École normale supérieure, avec la participation de l’Université de Paris-Sorbonne.

»Jacqueline de Romilly a marqué de son empreinte l'étude de la réthorique grecque. C'est autour de cette étude que Laurent Pernot intervient ici, présentant une enquête sur l'expression "les mystères de la rhétorique". École normale supérieure - 27 octobre 2011.» (Andrea Cirla)

diciembre 16, 2015

Specific Rules #4 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No place of publication can be found

If no place of publication can be found on the title page or its verso (back), but one can be found elsewhere in the publication or can be reasonably inferred (e.g., Chicago as the place for a publication of the American Medical Association), place the city in square brackets, such as "[Chicago]".

If no place of publication can be found or inferred, use [place unknown].

[place unknown]: Hoobler; 1991.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-US cities

Specific Rules #2 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #3 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple places of publication

Specific Rules #4 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No place of publication can be found

Examples for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Daniel Gabarró: «¿Cómo enseñar ortografía? Reducir las faltas hasta un 80%»

«Conferencia de 30 minutos que explica cómo enseñar ortografía y reducir hasta el 80% las faltas ortográficas de nuestro alumnado en, aproximadamente, un trimestre. Más información y materiales en www.boiraeditorial.com y www.boiraformacion.com

»Aprender esta metodología tiene una segunda consecuencia de gran importancia: tras su aplicación, cualquier trabajo ortográfico posterior será mucho mejor aprendido.

»Esta conferencia de Daniel Gabarró expone aspectos teóricos pero también orientaciones prácticas, concretas y útiles para el trabajo cotidiano en el aula. Basado en la programación neurolingüística o PNL, una rama aplicada de la psicología.

»Excelente material para la formación en claustros, grupos de docentes, facultades de magisterio... también muy adecuado para familias que quieran ayudar a sus hijas e hijos, así como para aquellas personas adultas que deseen superar sus dificultades ortográficas.

»Se puede ampliar con material en PDF de descarga gratuita desde la página web de Boira Editorial: www.boiraeditorial.com, apartado “profesorado”.» (Daniel Gabarró)

«Echo, echa, echas / hecho, hecha, hechas»

De las preguntas más frecuentes planteadas por los
usuarios del servicio de consultas lingüísticas
de la Academia Española de la Lengua

«Todas las formas del verbo echar (que significa, a grandes rasgos, ‘tirar’, ‘poner o depositar’ y ‘expulsar’) se escriben sin h:

»Siempre echo los papeles a la papelera.

»Si echas más sal al guiso lo estropeas.

»Hay que echar la carta al buzón.

»Tienes suerte si no te echa de aquí ahora mismo.

»El verbo echar forma parte de la locución echar de menos, que significa ‘añorar’:

»Te echo de menos.

»¿Me habéis echado de menos?

»O de la locución echar a perder, que significa ‘estropear’:

»Siempre lo echas todo a perder.

»También de la perífrasis echar a + infinitivo, que indica el comienzo de la acción expresada por el infinitivo:

»Siempre se echa a reír en el momento más inoportuno.

»Casi me echo a llorar.

»Aunque se pronuncian igual, no deben confundirse en la escritura las formas echo, echas, echa, del verbo echar, que se escriben sin h, y las formas hecho, hecha, hechas, del participio del verbo hacer, que se escriben con h, al igual que el sustantivo masculino hecho (‘cosa que se hace o que sucede’), tanto cuando se utiliza como tal, como cuando forma parte de la locución de hecho (‘efectivamente, en realidad’):

»¿Has hecho lo que te dije?

»Aunque iba con prisa, dejó hecha la cama.

»Ya están hechas las tortillas.

»El hecho es que hemos solucionado el problema.

»Quería olvidarla. De hecho, intenté no volver a verla.»

«Emmanuel Durand - “La menace fantôme. Les industries culturelles face au numérique”»

«Entretien avec Emmanuel Durand, auteur du livre “La menace fantôme. Les industries culturelles face au numérique”.

»Interview a lire ici: http://hubinstitute.com/2015/01/emman...» (HUB Institute)

diciembre 15, 2015

Specific Rules #3 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple places of publication

If more than one place of publication is found, use the first one or the one set in the largest type or in bold type. Do not give multiple places.

An alternative is to use the place of publication and publisher likely to be most familiar to the audience of the reference list. For example, use the place of an American publisher for a US audience and a London publisher for a British one.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-US cities

Specific Rules #2 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #3 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple places of publication

Specific Rules #4 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No place of publication can be found

Examples for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Inspired by Crafts: Award Winning Illustration, Typography, Writing & Art Direction»

«Filmed at the D&AD Awards 2015, top creatives give their advice and experiences of how Craft can bring an idea to life. Whether it’s illustration, typography, copywriting or art direction, crafts are an integral part of creative execution, and in this short film we see groundbreaking, award-winning examples from around the world.

»The D&AD Awards celebrate the world's very best commercial creativity in categories ranging from Digital Marketing to Book Design.

»This film features D&AD Judges from 2015 including Leigh Chandler [Vault 49], Gerry Human [Ogilvy & MAther], Pete Mould [Atomic London], and John Goddard.

»Work Featured:

»Fortnum & Mason Handmade Collection, Design Bridge, http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»Issey Miyake Message, TYMOTE, http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»Anti Est, Grid Worldwide, http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»Turning Packaging Into Education, Red Fuse HK / Y&R Malaysia / Y&R Myanmar, http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»Monument Valley, Ustwo, http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»I Will What i Want, Droga5, http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»805 Million Names, Forsman & Bodenfors http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»Poachers, Leo Burnett Sydney http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»Because No Reason, Wieden+Kennedy London http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»HomelessFonts, the Cyranos McCann http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»PwC Extraordinary Challenges, Deutsch http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»MIC, Y&R Beijing http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»Your Year, AKQA Portland http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»Hermès Métamorphose, DigitalLBI Paris http://www.dandad.org/awards/professi...

»D&AD represents global creative, design and advertising communities and celebrates brilliance in commercial creativity.» (D&AD)

«Recontextualización del discurso pedagógico de la Dictadura militar (1973-1990) y las violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en Chile: estudio crítico sobre el posicionamiento de actores sociales en narrativas comparadas pertenecientes a 6º básico»

«Universidad Católica de Temuco - XXI Congreso internacional de la Sociedad Chilena de Lingüística (SOCHIL).

»Título: Recontextualización del discurso pedagógico de la Dictadura militar (1973-1990) y las violaciones a los Derechos Humanos en Chile: estudio crítico sobre el posicionamiento de actores sociales en narrativas comparadas pertenecientes a 6ºbásico.

»Área temática: Análisis del discurso y Lingüística del Texto.

»Modalidad: ponencia.

»Abstract: La presente investigación busca comprender cómo se está presentando a nivel discursivo la Dictadura Militar chilena (1973-1990) – y sus consecuencias dentro de los DD.HH- en estudiantes de sexto año de enseñanza básica. Así, uno de los objetivos es dar cuenta de los actores sociales al interior del discurso pedagógico oficial (es decir, aquellos licitados y difundidos por el MINEDUC). Lo anterior toma en consideración que los textos escolares son influyentes en la cosmovisión, apreciación y significación del estudiantado en relación al pasado traumático reciente. Por lo mismo, resulta fundamental precisar en qué forma se logra posicionar a las víctimas y victimarios de la Dictadura militar en relación a la violación de los DD.HH, a partir la voz hegemónica al interior de un texto. La metodología es de tipo cualitativo (Denzin y Lincoln, 2012; Vasilachis, 2006), informada en una línea correspondiente a la Lingüística Sistémico Funcional (Eggins, 2002; Fairclough, 2003; Ghio y Fernández, 2008; Halliday, 1982; Halliday y Matthiessen, 2004; Martin y Rose, 2003; Martin y Rose 2008; Pardo Abril, 2007; Van Leeuwen, 2008) y en relación a lo que es el estudio de las narrativas traumáticas recientes (Oteíza, 2011; Wodak, 2011). Así, se hará un análisis contrastivo de dos textos clave en la materia: el primero que abordó – en la época de transición a la democracia – entre sus contenidos la Dictadura Militar y las violaciones a los DD.HH (Benítez y Donoso, 2000), y el licitado justo a los 40 años del Golpe militar (Álvarez et al., 2013), ambos para estudiantes de sexto básico. Las reflexiones finales sobre esta investigación muestran los modos discursivos en que se logró silenciar o dejar como background a actores sociales responsables en los textos de estudio, lo que configura una visión potente frente al cómo se puede reconstruir la historia traumática reciente desde el aula.» (Sanndy Infante)

diciembre 11, 2015

Specific Rules #2 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Two or more organizations may co-publish a book.

Use the city of the first organization found on the title page (or on the back of the title page if no place information appears on the title page), as the place of publication.

Place the name of the other organization(s) as a note at the end of the citation, if desired.

Co-published by the Canadian Medical Association.

Do not give multiple places as place of publication or include multiple publishers.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-US cities

Specific Rules #2 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #3 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple places of publication

Specific Rules #4 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No place of publication can be found

Examples for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Pragmatics of Human Communication A Study of Interactional Patterns, Pathologies and Paradoxes»

Jason Bracht: «7 Essential Keys to Kindle Publishing Success for 2015»

«Kindle Publishing success is all based on following basic fundamentals. I outline these success principles in this video. I personally followed these core concepts to build a 20K a month passive income business.» (Jason Bracht)

diciembre 10, 2015

Specific Rules #1 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-US cities

Use the anglicized form of a city name, such as Rome for Roma and Moscow for Moskva, when possible. However, the name as found on the publication may always be used.

Ignore diacritics, accents, and special characters in names. This rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications.

– Treat letters marked with diacritics or accents as if they are not marked.

Å treated as A

Ø treated as O

Ç treated as C

Ł treated as L

à treated as a

ĝ treated as g

ñ treated as n

ü treated as u

– Treat two or more letters printed as a unit (ligated letters) as if they are two letters.

æ treated as ae

œ treated as oe

Follow Canadian cities with the two-letter abbreviation for the name of the province (see Appendix E), placed in parentheses:

Montreal (QC):

Ottawa (ON):

Vancouver (BC):

For cities in other countries, if the city is not well known or could be confused with another city of the same name, follow the city with the country name, either written in full or as the two-letter ISO country code (see Appendix D).

Place the country name or code in parentheses.






Malaga (Spain): or Malaga (ES):

Basel (Switzerland): or Basel (CH):

Oxford (England): or Oxford (GB):

As an option, use the country name or country code after all cities not in the US or Canada.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-US cities

Specific Rules #2 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #3 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple places of publication

Specific Rules #4 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No place of publication can be found

Examples for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Presse numérique Canon imagePRESS C10000VP»

Canon lance une nouvelle gamme de presse numérique de haute production, à savoir l’imagePRESS C10000VP. Cette nouvelle gamme de presses numériques couleur de production se déclinera en deux modèles de 80 et 100 pages par minute, l’imagePRESS C8000 et l’imagePRESS C10000.

»Cette presse s’adresse aux ateliers de production Arts Graphiques ou des ateliers internes d’entreprise, avec des volumes pouvant s’élever jusqu’à 1 000 000 de pages par mois.

»Pour en savoir plus : http://bit.ly/1JVcGPr» (Canon France B2B)

«The Art of Rhetoric: Persuasive Techniques in Advertising. Pathos, logos, and ethos as used in modern advertising»

diciembre 09, 2015

General Rules for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Place is defined as the city where the volume was published.

Follow US and Canadian cities with the two-letter abbreviation for the state or province (see Appendix E) to avoid confusion when citing lesser known cities or when cities in different locations have the same name, such as Palm Springs (CA) and Palm Springs (FL).

Follow cities in other countries with the name of the country, either written out or as the two-letter ISO country code (see Appendix D), when citing lesser known cities or when cities in different locations have the same name, such as Cambridge (MA) and Cambridge (England).

Use the anglicized form for a non-US city, such as Vienna for Wien.

End place information with a colon.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-US cities

Specific Rules #2 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Joint publication

Specific Rules #3 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Multiple places of publication

Specific Rules #4 for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No place of publication can be found

Examples for Place of Publication (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«Halla / haya / aya»

De las preguntas más frecuentes planteadas por los
usuarios del servicio de consultas lingüísticas
de la Academia Española de la Lengua

«La mayor parte de los hispanohablantes pronuncian estas tres palabras de la misma forma, ya que está muy generalizada la pérdida de la distinción de los sonidos que representan las grafías ll e y. Pero conviene distinguirlas adecuadamente en la escritura:

»a) haya

»Puede ser un verbo o un sustantivo:

»• Como verbo, es la forma de primera o tercera persona del singular del presente de subjuntivo del verbo haber. Con este valor se utiliza, bien seguida de un participio para formar el pretérito perfecto (o antepresente) de subjuntivo del verbo que se esté conjugando (haya visto, haya mirado, etc.), bien como verbo de una oración impersonal:

»Espero que Luis haya aprobado.

»No cree que el niño se haya vestido solo.

»Quizá haya algo que podamos hacer.

»Si estas oraciones se expresasen en otro tiempo verbal, la forma haya sería reemplazada por otra forma del verbo haber:

»Esperaba que esta vez Luis hubiese aprobado.

»No creía que el niño se hubiese vestido solo.

»Quizá habría algo que pudiéramos hacer.

»• Como sustantivo, es femenino y designa un tipo de árbol:

»Hay que podar el haya del jardín.

»Se sentó a la sombra de una frondosa haya.

»b) halla

»Es la forma de la tercera persona del singular del presente de indicativo, o la segunda persona (tú) del singular del imperativo, del verbo hallar(se), que significa ‘encontrar(se)’:

»No sé cómo lo hace, pero halla siempre una excusa perfecta para no ir.

»La sede de la organización se halla en París.

»La flora se halla constituida por diferentes especies.

»Halla la hipotenusa del siguiente triángulo rectángulo.

»Obsérvese que en estos casos la palabra halla se puede sustituir por la forma encuentra:

»No sé cómo lo hace, pero encuentra siempre una excusa perfecta para no ir.

»La sede de la organización se encuentra en París.

»La flora se encuentra constituida por diferentes especies.

»Encuentra la hipotenusa del siguiente triángulo rectángulo.

»c) aya

»Es un sustantivo femenino que significa ‘mujer encargada en una casa del cuidado y educación de los niños o jóvenes’:

»Aún se acordaba del aya sabia y cariñosa de su infancia.

»La vieja aya seguía llevando a los niños al parque.

Entrevista a Eugenio Coseriu

«Ciclo "El intelectual y su memoria": Eugenio Coseriu.

»Publicado el 25 jun. 2015.

»MªÁngeles Pastor entrevista a Eugenio Coseriu (Universidad de Granada, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, 1993).» (UGR. FFL)

«Publishing: Evolution, Disruption & the Future»

«Publishing: Evolution, Disruption & the Future - Session 3. Edinburgh - 12th June 2013.

»"Can Blogs, Apps and Newspapers Co-exist in Harmony?"

»Bill Jamieson, Scot-buzz & The Scotsman - "Media: Digital or Death?"

»Alex Porter, Scottish Times - "Digital News: Trust and Profit. Opportunities & challenges for digital news outlets in a time of collapsing trust & revenues in traditional media"

»Brendan Miles, The List - "Digital Evolution - A List Survival Guide: One traditional publishers journey from print to digital and beyond".

»To see the full programme & more information about this event see: http://www.edinpubconf.net/program.html» (Graham Steel )

diciembre 08, 2015

Specific Rules #4 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Organization as editor

On rare occasions an organization will be listed as the editor.

Follow the instructions for entering Organizations as author/editor.

Place a comma, space, and the word editor after the organization name.


Swiss Pharmaceutical Society, editor.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: More than one type of secondary author

Specific Rules #2 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Secondary author performing more than one role

Specific Rules #3 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for secondary authors

Specific Rules #4 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Organization as editor

Examples for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«La tipografía Woody Allen»

Daniel de Partearroyo. Cinemanía. El País

«Más reconocible que sus titubeos, las calles de Manhattan o los chistes sobre el miedo a la muerte, esta es la tipografía que acompaña a Woody Allen desde Annie Hall.

»Te da la bienvenida a cada nueva película de Woody Allen. Se llama Windsor, nació en 1905 –¡feliz 110 cumpleaños!– de la mano de Eleisha Pechey y es la tipografía de las secuencias de créditos más sobrias y a la vez reconocibles de la historia del cine. Letras blancas sobre fondo negro, siempre centradas en pantalla.

»Una tarjeta de presentación cálida y acogedora como la vuelta al hogar y tan distintiva como los titubeos del director. Allen comenzó a usar la Windsor Light Condensed en los créditos de Annie Hall en 1977 y, enamorado de su serifa redondeada (distinguida pero amable), no la ha abandonado desde entonces, salvo por un temprano escarceo New Gothic en Interiores (1978).

»No se ha vuelto a repetir; Manhattan (1979), que no tiene créditos iniciales, recuperó a Windsor en los finales. Y hasta ahora. Según cuenta el tipógrafo Ed Benguiat, él desayunaba en la misma cafetería que Allen a finales de los 70. El cómico Corbett Monica los presentó y, al conocer su profesión, Allen le preguntó por una tipografía de su agrado. Benguiat, que sentía afinidad por la Windsor, indicó su nombre de forma distraída. Y marcó una filmografía entera.»

«Ming Ming Chiu - Statistical Discourse Analysis»

«Read the paper associated with this presentation:


[Statistical Discourse Analysis – A methodology for identifying group dynamics]» (Sorin Adam Matei)

noviembre 27, 2015

Specific Rules #3 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for secondary authors

Translate the word found for editor, translator, illustrator, or other secondary author into English if possible. However, the wording found on the publication may always be used.

If not translated, ignore diacritics, accents, and special characters in words. This rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications.

– Treat letters marked with diacritics or accents as if they are not marked:

Å treated as A

Ø treated as O

Ç treated as C

Ł treated as L

à treated as a

ĝ treated as g

ñ treated as n

ü treated as u

– Treat two or more letters printed as a unit (ligated letters) as if they are two letters:

æ treated as ae

œ treated as oe

To assist in identifying secondary authors, below is a brief list of non-English words for them:

LanguageWord for EditorWord for TranslatorWord for Illustrator







Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: More than one type of secondary author

Specific Rules #2 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Secondary author performing more than one role

Specific Rules #3 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for secondary authors

Specific Rules #4 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Organization as editor

Examples for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«La lecture numérique à l’école: Progrès ou dérive?»

Table ronde dans le cadre du Salon du livre de Montréal, organisée par l'Association des Libraires du Québec.

Questions débattues: les avantages et les limites de l'apprentissage de la lecture sur support numérique, ses liens avec l'imprimé, mais aussi, et surtout, la place de la lecture chez les jeunes d'aujourd'hui seront au coeur de cette discussion.


Normand Baillargeon, professeur en sciences de l'éducation à l'UQAM.


- Marie-Claude Gauthier, enseignante de français au secondaire.

- Thierry Karsenti, titulaire de la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les TIC en éducation.

- Julie Marcoux, conseillère pédagogique à la CSDM.

- Yves Nadon, enseignant au primaire.

- Antoine Robitaille, éditorialiste et responsable de la page Idées au journal Le Devoir.

«Invitación a la lectura: Víctor Klemperer, “LTI: La lengua del III Reich. Apuntes de un filólogo”»

noviembre 26, 2015

Specific Rules #2 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Secondary author performing more than one role

If the same secondary author performs more than one role:

List all the roles in the order they are given in the publication.

Separate the roles by "and".

End secondary author information with a period.


Jones AB, editor and translator.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: More than one type of secondary author

Specific Rules #2 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Secondary author performing more than one role

Specific Rules #3 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Non-English names for secondary authors

Specific Rules #4 for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Organization as editor

Examples for Editor and other Secondary Authors (optional) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

«The Power of Rhetoric, withMike Edwards»

«On the occasion of his visit to the Milton Keynes' campus of The Open University, CC'S Anastasia Bakogianni caught up with Professor Mike Edwards (Roehampton University, London). Mike talks to us about the bad reputation of Rhetoric and how Plato and Aristotle contributed to this negative view of his favourite subject.

»Mike tells us how he fell under the spell of Rhetoric while studying with Stephen Usher at Royal Holloway College, London, who taught him that rhetorical speeches are worthy of study in their own right rather than as simply evidence for the study of ancient history and law. He talks to us about the joy of editing and translating rhetorical texts and his interest in the minutiae of manuscripts and their transmission.

»Mike tells us about the rare joy of rediscovering a 'lost' text. He was involved with the Archimedes palimpsest project working closely with other experts in the field to uncover a lost manuscript written by Hyperides, an Athenian orator from the fourth century BCE, that was discovered hidden underneath a thirteenth-century prayer book.

»Mike believes strongly that the works of the Greek and Latin orators should be accessible through translations to ensure the survival of the subject. Towards that end he translated the complete works of Isaeus (University of Texas, 2007), another fourth century BCE orator who specialised in inheritance law. Mike's volume belongs to the Oratory of Classical Greece series edited by Michael Gagarin.

»Mike is Vice-President of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric and was editor of its journal Rhetorica (2005-11), which accepts submissions in six languages, including Latin!

»He is currently working on a new Oxford text of Isaeus and enjoying the process of going back to the Greek text.» (Classics Confidential)

«Comment survivre à l'ère du numérique? 5 stratégies gagnantes»

Christophe Charlot et Gilles Quoistiaux
Numerik. L'actu connectée

«Face aux géants du Net et à l'"ubérisation" croissante de l'économie, la riposte doit s'organiser. Mais il n'est pas toujours facile de savoir comment faire face à des colosses super agiles. Voici quelques pistes.

»Nos entreprises évoluent dans un marché en plein bouleversement où les règles du jeu ne sont plus les mêmes. "Un des gros pôles de changement, c'est le client lui-même, analyse Frédéric Debruyne, partner chez Bain & Company. Avant, les sociétés divisaient leur public en segments de clients. A présent, grâce aux technologies, chacun d'eux devient unique et chaque consommateur veut être vu comme une individualité. De plus, les besoins des clients peuvent être anticipés grâces aux données qui sont collectées.

»Des entreprises comme Amazon ou Netflix se basent sur les comportements de leurs utilisateurs pour réaliser de l'analyse prédictive et leur faire des propositions pertinentes. De plus, le consommateur devient demandeur d'un tel comportement de la part des entreprises. A cela s'ajoute la faculté pour les entreprises de faire des tests (sur leurs services ou leurs produits) en temps réel, ce qui décuple l'inventivité des acteurs qui parviennent à s'adapter à tous ces changements technologiques."

»Le numérique, c'est bien beau, en effet. Mais quand on est une entreprise traditionnelle, qu'on a un passé, des actifs et qu'on fabrique un produit spécifique, il n'est pas si simple d'anticiper l'arrivée d'un acteur du numérique sur son créneau... "Tous les secteurs vont être impactés par la transformation digitale, affirme Didier Tshidimba managing partner au cabinet de conseil Roland Berger. La vraie question, c'est de savoir à quel niveau la transformation de son business aura lieu. En tant qu'entreprise, il faut se demander si cela changera son mode opératoire, un certain nombre d'éléments de sa création de valeur ou bien si cela modifiera ses interfaces avec le monde extérieur, comme les clients. Ce sont trois niveaux de changement qu'il faut bien identifier." Souvent, quand un service, un produit ou un processus de production peuvent être améliorés, le risque de se faire "ubériser" devient réel.

»Ne pas vendre un "moyen" mais répondre à un besoin

»Mais plus fondamentalement encore, il faut s'interroger sur son produit et se demander s'il sera encore pertinent à l'avenir. "Plus le produit que l'on propose au client est un moyen, plus l'entreprise est en danger, analyse le responsable de Roland Berger. Prenons l'exemple d'une voiture : elle est un moyen de transport... pas un besoin. Le vrai besoin est celui de la mobilité. Or la technologie va trouver de nouveaux moyens pour répondre aux besoins existants." Voilà pourquoi des acteurs comme Daimler ou Renault commencent à développer, dans certaines villes, des solutions de véhicules partagés. Les consommateurs sont désormais à la recherche de solutions qui leur simplifient la vie, dans le transport comme ailleurs. Ce n'est plus la propriété d'un véhicule qui les intéresse mais de nouvelles manières efficaces de se déplacer. Pareil pour la musique : ne plus posséder le CD n'est pas grave, tant que le consommateur accède à sa musique (via un abonnement par exemple). Et c'est vrai dans un nombre croissant de domaines. Les acteurs du numérique (petits ou grands) l'ont compris : ils n'attaquent plus le marché par la seule technologie, mais bien par l'usage qu'ils proposent. Or ce qu'ils font, les grandes acteurs (énergéticiens, banques, assurances, etc.) mais aussi les PME traditionnelles pourraient le faire. Voilà pourquoi nombre de grands groupes tentent de rattraper le coup et créent des spin-off en vue de générer l'innovation, rachètent des start-up ou créent des lab en interne. "Mais le gros challenge reste de changer la culture d'entreprise pour se placer sous le signe de l'innovation, souligne Frédéric Debruyne (Bain & Company). Pour identifier les nouveaux créneaux porteurs mais aussi pour attirer les talents digitaux."

»Six "check points" numériques

»En Belgique, BNP Paribas Fortis a lancé en interne l'initiative Home For Innovation où s'organisent des pop-up teams de quatre à six collaborateurs détachés de leurs fonctions pendant quatre mois pour déployer des projets innovants au sein de la banque. Huit idées doivent être développées chaque année. Parmi les projets sélectionnés lors de la première vague, on trouve l'utilisation de la biométrie pour faciliter l'identification du client, des solutions d'achats collectifs d'immobilier, des crédits hypothécaires spécifiques pour la finance islamique, etc.

»Mais s'il s'agit d'opérer une mutation de son entreprise traditionnelle, Frédéric Debruyne épingle six grands points sur lesquels agir pour éviter qu'un autre acteur ne s'empare de cette "faiblesse" : comment transformer les relations et les interactions avec les clients ? Comment adapter sa supply chain ? Les plateformes IT de l'entreprise sont-elles toujours d'actualité ? L'entreprise est-elle équipée pour exploiter efficacement les données et faire de l'analyse de données ? Et, enfin, les profils existants dans l'entreprise sont-ils orientés numérique, y compris dans la direction ? Des questions que chaque société (grande ou petite) peut se poser et qui, rapidement, peut lui donner un aperçu du chemin pour parer son entreprise aux défis du numérique.

»Cinq stratégies gagnantes face au numérique

»Dans une économie de plus en plus dominée par les géants du Net, Fabernovel épingle dans son étude "GAFAnomics saison 2" cinq stratégies que les entreprises traditionnelles peuvent adopter pour se faire une place.

»1. Se brancher sur les Gafa

»A l'image d'Uber qui utilise massivement les services ouverts des géants du Net, l'option la plus simple est de se plugger sur les Gafa. "Les entreprises sont aptes et prêtes à tester de nouvelles choses, décrypte Louis Mullard (Fabernovel). Et elles s'approprient des outils comme WhatsApp, Periscope, les moyens de paiement d'Apple, etc." La seule crainte étant, bien sûr, de perdre la relation client.

»2. Nouer des partenariats avec les Gafa

»Signer des deals exclusifs avec les acteurs du numérique pour créer un avantage compétitif sur la concurrence. De grands comptes, comme Allianz et Tesla, ont ainsi proposé des assurances sur mesure aux conducteurs. Audi et Amazon ont de leur côté imaginé ensemble des tests de livraisons de colis dans le coffre des voitures.

»3. Engager la compétition

»C'est la stratégie offensive. Celle qui consiste à proposer des services concurrents aux Gafa sur leur propre terrain. Bien sûr, il faut s'assurer d'avoir une proposition supérieure et à forte valeur ajoutée.

»4. Jouer la différenciation

»Lancer des services innovants dans les domaines délaissés par les géants du numérique. Cela nécessite de gros investissements en technologie et pour parvenir à toucher le public, "mais cela peut s'avérer payant", soutient Fabernovel.

»5. Co-innover avec les Gafa

»Pourquoi ne pas tester des expériences avec les Gafa ? Un groupe comme Levi's s'est, par exemple, associé à Google sur le créneau des textiles intelligents. Et ce n'est pas l'apanage des seules grandes entreprises : la start-up belge Softkinetic s'était frottée à une série de grands noms comme Google, Intel et bien d'autres pour expérimenter. Il est aussi possible de co-innover avec d'autres acteurs traditionnels pour faire face aux "vampires numériques". Ainsi, c'est un consortium de constructeurs auto (BMW, Audi et Daimler) qui a racheté le service de cartographie de Nokia. Le service de streaming vidéo Hulu, concurrent de Netflix, a lui été lancé par Fox, NBC et Disney...»