noviembre 06, 2015

Specific Rules #4 for Title (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Titles ending in punctuation other than a period

Most titles end in a period. When a translation of a book title is provided, place it in square brackets after the original language or romanized title. End with the period outside the closing bracket.

Base molecular de la expresion del mensaje genetico [Molecular basis of gene expression].

If a translated title ends in another form of punctuation, keep that punctuation. Place it in the square brackets and end title information with a period.

La eutanasia: es buena muerte? [Euthanasia: is it a good death?].


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Title (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Title (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Titles containing a Greek letter, chemical formula, or another special character

Specific Rules #2 for Title (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Titles not in English

Specific Rules #3 for Title (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Titles in more than one language

Specific Rules #4 for Title (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Titles ending in punctuation other than a period

Specific Rules #5 for Title (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: No title can be found

Examples for Title (required) for the Volume for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title and Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style

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