julio 21, 2015

Specific Rules #2 for Pagination (optional) for Entire Books Vancouver Style: No numbers appear on the pages of the book

Occasionally, a book will have no numbers on its pages. If the entire publication has no page numbers:

Count the total number of pages of the text.

Express the total as leaves, not pages.

End with a period.


Howell E. Access to children's mental health services under Medicaid and SCHIP. Washington: Urban Institute; c2004. 7 leaves.

Zaadstra BM, Staats PG, Davidse W. Aard en omvang van cannabis gebruik bij mensen met MS. Leiden (Netherlands): TNO Preventie en Gezondheid; 1998. 37 leaves. Dutch.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Pagination (optional) for Entire Books Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Pagination (optional) for Entire Books Vancouver Style: Roman numerals used as page numbers

Specific Rules #2 for Pagination (optional) for Entire Books Vancouver Style: No numbers appear on the pages of the book

Examples for Pagination (optional) for Entire Books Vancouver Style (2015/08/28)

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