abril 05, 2017

B. Sample Citation and Introduction to Citing Conference Papers Vancouver Style

The general format for a reference to a conference paper, including punctuation:

with a title for the book of proceedings as well as a conference title:

with only a conference title:

Conference papers appear in the proceedings of a conference, congress, symposium, or other meeting. See Chapter 3A for information on citing proceedings. In medicine and science, papers are usually presented to report the results of research or other studies or to review the work on a particular subject or in a particular field. In the published proceedings, a paper may be given in its entirety or as an abstract or summary of what was presented.

Cite conference papers the same way as contributions to books. The authors and title of the paper begin a reference, followed by the connecting phrase "In:" and information about the conference. For information on citing papers:

Presented at conferences but never published, see Chapter 12 Papers and Poster Sessions Presented at Meetings.

Found on the Internet, see Chapter 22 Books and Other Individual Titles on the Internet.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 3: Conference Publications

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