octubre 18, 2017

Specific Rules #2 for Author/Editor (required) to Citing Entire Reports Vancouver Style: Other surname rules

Keep prefixes in surnames.

Lama Al Bassit becomes Al Bassit L

Jiddeke M. van de Kamp becomes van de Kamp JM

Gerard de Pouvourville becomes de Pouvourville G

Keep compound surnames even if no hyphen appears.

Sergio Lopez Moreno becomes Lopez Moreno S

Jaime Mier y Teran becomes Mier y Teran J

Virginie Halley des Fontaines becomes Halley des Fontaines V

[If you cannot determine from the title page whether a surname is compound or a combination of a middle name and a surname, look at the back of the title page (the copyright page) or elsewhere in the text for clarification. For example, Elizabeth Scott Parker may be interpreted to be Parker ES or Scott Parker E.].

Ignore diacritics, accents, and special characters in names. This rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications.

_ Treat letters marked with diacritics or accents as if they are not marked.

Å treated as A

Ø treated as O

Ç treated as C

Ł treated as L

à treated as a

ĝ treated as g

ñ treated as n

ü treated as u

_Treat two or more letters printed as a unit (ligated letters) as if they are two letters.

æ treated as ae

œ treated as oe


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 4: Scientific and Technical Reports


General Rules for Author/Editor (required) to Citing Entire Reports Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1: Surnames with hyphens and other punctuation in them

Specific Rules #2: Other surname rules

Specific Rules #3: Given names containing punctuation, a prefix, a preposition, or particle

Specific Rules #4: Degrees, titles, and honors before or after a personal name

Specific Rules #5: Designations of rank in a family, such as Jr and III

Specific Rules #6: Names in non-roman alphabets (Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Korean) or character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese)

Specific Rules #7: Non-English words for editor

Specific Rules #8: Organizations as author

Specific Rules #9: No author can be found

Specific Rules #10: Options for author names

Examples for Author/Editor (required) to Citing Entire Reports Vancouver Style

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