enero 31, 2017

«TypoArt – Place Names»

The Times of India

Sithesh C. Govind (@sithesh) - www.creativedirector.in

«Toponymy art helps people understand a place better

»Artist and advertising professional Sithesh C Govind of Mangaluru has pulled off the 'place - name - typography' connection for Mangaluru, Goa and Bengaluru based on toponymy. Sithesh, 38, has created typography after studying the names of different places there.

»With his creative brush strokes, he has portrayed places on canvas such that they invoke memories of these places. Some typography created for places of Mangaluru are Kudla (Mangaluru is also known as Kudla), Pilikula, Neermarga, Kapikad, Kodikal and Nethravati. He told TOI that toponymy is the study of place names, their origins, meanings, use and typology. He said toponymy can be applied while preparing signboards in major cities and towns as they help people understand the place with information.

»"I've studied some place names and their origin and decided to start Place Name Typography a few years ago. I think it's unique and should be popularised. I'd also like to suggest instead of placing regular destination nameboard in cities, this is something unique and will also provide more information about place names and their origin," he said.»

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