septiembre 03, 2015

Examples for Language (required) for Entire Books Vancouver Style

1. Book with organization as author/editor including a translation

Medicinska Forskningsradet [Medical Research Council] (SE). MFR och forskning om AIDS och HIV: oversyn och rekommendationer av medicinska forskingsradets AIDS-grupp [MFR and research on AIDS and HIV: overview and recommendations of the Medical Research Council's AIDS group]. Stockholm: The Council; 1988. 46 p. Swedish.

Rinsho Shokaki Naika Henshu Iinkai [Clinical Gastroenterology Editorial Committee] (JP), editor. Daicho naishikyo sonyu shugi no kihon [Basic technical procedure of colonoscopy]. Dai 1-pan. Tokyo: Nihon Medikara Senta; 2003. 135 p. Japanese.

2. Book title in a language other than English

Katsunori K. [Euthanasia and criminal law]. Shohan. Tokyo: Seibundo; 2003. 198 p. Japanese.

Han'guk yagop 100-yon. Seoul (Korea): Yakop Sinmun; 2004. 2 vol. Korean.
Ochoa S. Base molecular de la expresion del mensaje genetico. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; 2000. 219 p. Spanish.

Tsimmerman IaS. Diagnostika i kompleksnoe lechenie osnovnykh gastroenterologicheskikh zabolevanii: klinicheskie ocherki. Perm (Russia): Permskaia Gosudarstvenennaia Meditsinskaia Akademiia; 2003. 286 p. Russian.

Hartmeier W. Immobilisierte Biokatalysstoren. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1988. 212 p. German.

with translation:

Katsunori K. [Euthanasia and criminal law]. Shohan. Tokyo: Seibundo; 2003. 198 p. Japanese.

Han'guk yagop 100-yon [100-year pharmaceutical industry history]. Seoul (Korea): Yakop Sinmun; 2004. 2 vol. Korean.

Ochoa S. Base molecular de la expresion del mensaje genetico [Molecular basis of gene expression]. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas; 2000. 219 p. Spanish.

Tsimmerman IaS. Diagnostika i kompleksnoe lechenie osnovnykh gastroenterologicheskikh zabolevanii: klinicheskie ocherki [Diagnosis and complex treatment of basic gastrointestinal diseases: clinical studies]. Perm (Russia): Permskaia Gosudarstvenennaia Meditsinskaia Akademiia; 2003. 286 p. Russian.

Hartmeier W. Immobilisierte Biokatalysstoren [Immobilized biocatalysts]. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1988. 212 p. German.

3. Book published with equal text in two languages

Chemically-defined flavouring substances = Substances aromatisantes chimiquement definies. 4th ed. Strasbourg (France): Council of Europe; c2000. 616 p. English, French.
Institut de Recherches Internationales Servier. Le genome: avancees scientifiques et therapeutiques et consequences sociales = The genome: scientific and therapeutic developments and social consequences. Paris: Elsevier; c2002. 271 p. French, English.

4. Book with text in multiple languages

Puig-Samper MA, Ruiz R, Galera Andres A, editors. Evolucionismo y cultura: darwinismo en Europa e Iberoamerica. Aranjuez (Spain): Ediciones Doce Calles; 2002. 407 p. Spanish, English, French, Portuguese.

Lopez Ferez JA, editor. La lengua cientifica griega: origenes, desarrollo e influencia en las lenguas modernas europeas. Madrid: Ediciones Clasicas; 2000. 2 vol. Spanish, French, German, Greek, Italian.

with translation included:

Puig-Samper MA, Ruiz R, Galera Andres A, editors. Evolucionismo y cultura: darwinismo en Europa e Iberoamerica [Evolution and culture: Darwinism in Europe and Latin America]. Aranjuez (Spain): Ediciones Doce Calles; 2002. 407 p. Spanish, English, French, Portuguese.

Lopez Ferez JA, editor. La lengua cientifica griega: origenes, desarrollo e influencia en las lenguas modernas europeas [The Greek scientific language: origins, development and influence on modern European languages]. Madrid: Ediciones Clasicas; 2000. 2 vol. Spanish, French, German, Greek, Italian.

Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Language (required) for Entire Books Vancouver Style

Specific Rules for Language (required) for Entire Books Vancouver Style: Books appearing in more than one language

Examples for Language (required) for Entire Books Vancouver Style (2015/09/02)

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