septiembre 24, 2015

Specific Rules #2 for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Volumes continuously paginated

Many books published in multiple volumes with separate titles are paginated anew with each volume. Some books, however, continue the pagination from one volume to another.

When citing a volume in a book with pagination continued from one volume to another, give the beginning and ending pages of the volume.

Precede the page numbers with "p." and separate them by a hyphen.

Do not repeat page numbers. For example: p. 1018-1904 becomes p. 1018-904.

Example: Goldstein RE, Haywood VA, editors. Esthetics in dentistry. 2nd ed. Vol. 2, Esthetic problems of individual teeth, missing teeth, malocclusion, special populations. Hamilton (ON): BC Decker Inc; 2002. p. 471-884.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors

Specific Rules #1 for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors: Roman numerals for page numbers

Specific Rules #2 for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors: Volumes continuously paginated

Examples for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors

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