septiembre 23, 2015

Specific Rules #1 for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors Vancouver Style: Roman numerals for page numbers

If all of the pages (not just the introductory pages) of a volume have roman numerals instead of the usual arabic numbers:

– Convert the roman numeral on the last page of the text to an arabic number.

– Follow the number by "p."

– Place the number and "p." in square brackets, such as [52 p.]

– End page information with a period.

Example: [75 p.].

If the volumes of a book are continuously paginated, e.g., the pagination is continued from one volume to another:

– Provide the beginning and ending pages of the volume.

– Give numbers in upper or lower case, whichever appears in the volume.

– Precede the page numbers with "p." and separate them by a hyphen.

– End page information with a period.



p. ccv-cccxxvii


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors

Specific Rules #1 for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors: Roman numerals for page numbers

Specific Rules #2 for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors: Volumes continuously paginated

Examples for Location (Pagination) of Volume (optional) for Individual Volumes With a Separate Title but Without Separate Authors/Editors

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