julio 29, 2016

Specific Rules #1 for Conference Title (required) to Citing Conference Proceedings Vancouver Style: Conference titles not in English

Provide the title in the original language for non-English titles found in the roman alphabet (primarily European languages, such as French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, etc.).

Boker W, Brenner HD, editors. Integrative therapie der schizophrenie. 4th Internationale Schizophrenie-Symposium;1993 Sep 16-18; Bern. Bern (Switzerland): Huber; 1996. 426 p. German.

Romanize (write in the roman alphabet) titles if they are in Cyrillic, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, or Korean. A good authority for romanization is the ALA-LC Romanization Tables.

Braudo EE, editor. 1st Mezhdunarodnyi Kongress Biotekhnologiia: Sostoianie i Perspektivy Razvitiia; 2002 Oct 14-18; Moscow. Moscow: Maxima; 2002. Russian.

Romanize or translate titles in character-based languages (Chinese, Japanese). Place translated titles in square brackets.

Mitsuoka T, editor. 21-seiki chonai furora kenkyu no atarashii doko. Chonai Furora Shinpojumu. Dai 10-kai; 2001; Tokyo. Tokyo: Gakkai Shuppan Senta; 2002. 141 p. Japanese.


Mitsuoka T, editor. [New trends in intestinal flora research for the 21st century. Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Intestinal Flora]; 2001; Tokyo. Tokyo: Gakkai Shuppan Senta; 2002. 141 p. Japanese.

Ignore diacritics, accents, and special characters in titles. This rule ignores some conventions used in non-English languages to simplify rules for English-language publications.

Treat letters marked with a diacritic or accent as if they are not marked.

Å treated as A

Ø treated as O

Ç treated as C

Ł treated as L

à treated as a

ĝ treated as g

ñ treated as n

ü treated as u

Treat two or more letters printed as a unit (ligated letters) as if they are two letters.

æ treated as ae

œ treated as oe

Provide an English translation after the original language title if possible; place translations in square brackets.

Braudo EE, editor. 1st Mezhdunarodnyi Kongress Biotekhnologiia: Sostoianie i Perspektivy Razvitiia [1st International Congress of Biotechnology: State of the Art & Prospects of Development]; 2002 Oct 14-18; Moscow. Moscow: Maxima; 2002. Russian.

Mitsuoka T, editor. 21-seiki chonai furora kenkyu no atarashii doko [New trends in intestinal flora research for the 21st century]. Chonai Furora Shinpojumu. Dai 10-kai [Proceedings of the 10th Symposium on Intestinal Flora]; 2001; Tokyo. Tokyo: Gakkai Shuppan Senta; 2002. 141 p.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 3: Conference Publications

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