abril 12, 2016

Examples for Location (Pagination) (required) for Parts of Books Vancouver Style

Standard chapter in a book

Riffenburgh RH. Statistics in medicine. 2nd ed. Amsterdam (Netherlands): Elsevier Academic Press; c2006. Chapter 24, Regression and correlation methods; p. 447-86.

Reed JG, Baxter PM. Library use: handbook for psychology. 3rd ed. Washington: American Psychological Association; c2003. Chapter 2, Selecting and defining the topic; p. 11-25.

Goldstein RE. Esthetics in dentistry. 2nd ed. Vol. 1, Principles, communications, treatment methods. Hamilton (ON): B.C. Decker; c1998. Chapter 13, Composite resin bonding; p. 277-338.

Standard figure in a book with number

Lashley FR. Clinical genetics in nursing practice. 3rd ed. New York: Springer Publishing Company; c2005. Figure 2.5, Meiosis with two autosomal chromosome pairs; p. 27-8.

Thibodeau GA, Patton KT. Anatomy & physiology. 5th ed. St. Louis (MO): Mosby; c2003. Figure 6-13, Onycholysis; p. 179.

Munro BH. Statistical methods for health care research. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2005. Exercise figure 14-1, Factor analysis of IPA items; p. 347.

Lancaster FW, Joncich MJ. The measure and evaluation of library services. Washington: Information Resources Press; c1977. Figure 9, Questionnaire used in U.K. catalog use study; p. 47-50.

Standard table in a book with a number

Larone DH. Medically important fungi: a guide to identification. 4th ed. Washington: ASM Press; c2002. Table 15, Characteristics of some of the "black yeasts"; p. 200.

American health: demographics and spending of health care consumers. Ithaca (NY): New Strategist Publications, Inc.; c2005. Table 11.19, Percent distribution of hospital discharges by diagnosis and age, 2002; p. 395-6.

Burant CF. Medical management of type 2 diabetes. 5th ed. Alexandria (VA): American Diabetes Association; c2004. Table 3.12, Sample regimens for achieving glycemic control; p. 68.

Moore KL, Persaud TV. The developing human: clinically oriented embryology. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; c2003. Table 6-1, Criteria for estimating fertilization age during the fetal period; p.103.

Standard appendix in a book with a number

Finberg L, Kravath RE, Hellerstein S, Saenger P. Water and electrolytes in pediatrics: physiology, pathology, and treatment. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company; c1993. Appendix 2, Time line; p. 267-70.

Part in a book with unusual pagination or no pagination

Owens RE. Language disorders: a functional approach to assessment and intervention. 4th ed. Boston: Pearson; c2004. Appendix D, Language tests for children with LEP and different dialects; p. A15-25.

Shingleton HM, Orr JW Jr. Cancer of the cervix. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company; c1995. Color figure 7-7, Excised uterus with wide vaginal cuff and parauterine tissues; [preceding p. 1].

University of Cape Town, Medical School, Department of Pharmacology. South African medicines formulary. 4th ed. Pinelands (South Africa): Medical Association of South Africa; c1997. [Appendix], Adverse drug event and product quality problem report form; [following p. 510].

Tappan FM, Benjamin PJ. Tappan's handbook of healing massage techniques: classic, holistic, and emerging methods. 4th ed. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Pearson/Prentice Hall; c2005. [Figure], Energy channels of traditional Asian medicine; [inside back cover and facing page].

Woelfel JB, Scheid RC. Dental anatomy: its relevance to dentistry. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; c2002. Appendix, [Drawings of permanent and primary teeth which are labeled (with letters) to highlight features of each tooth]; Appendix page 1-10.


Citing Medicine: The NLM Style Guide for Authors, Editors, and Publishers [Internet]. 2nd edition. Chapter 2: Books


General Rules for Location (Pagination) (required) for Parts of Books Vancouver Style

Specific Rules #1 for Location (Pagination) (required) for Parts of Books Vancouver Style: Roman numerals for page numbers

Specific Rules #2 for Location (Pagination) (required) for Parts of Books Vancouver Style: Part paginated separately

Specific Rules #3 for Location (Pagination) (required) for Parts of Books Vancouver Style: No page numbers appear on the part

Examples for Location (Pagination) (required) for Parts of Books Vancouver Style

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