octubre 22, 2019

Matthew Carter: Mi vida en tipografías (TED Talk)

TED Talks (@TEDTalks), «Matthew Carter, Type designer»

Con subtítulos en español. Traducción: Mariana Vergnano. Revisión: Ciro Gómez.
«Tome un libro, una revista o en la pantalla y seguramente se encontrará con alguna tipografía diseñada por Matthew Carter. En esta encantadora charla, el hombre detrás de tipos de letra como Verdana, Georgia y Bell Centennial (diseñado solo para la guía telefónica, ¿lo recuerda?), nos lleva a una gira a través de una carrera centrada en el último píxel de cada letra de una fuente».

«Even if you don’t recognize his name, chances are you’ve seen Matthew Carter’s work — his type designs include some of the world’s most familiar digital typefaces.

»Why you should listen

»MacArthur Fellow Matthew Carter started his career as a punchcutter, a print artisan who physically carves each letter into metal. He had already designed several legendary typefaces (in 1975, he created Bell Centennial for use in phone books) when he stepped into the digital design ring. As part of a project undertaken for Microsoft, Carter created early and successful examples of screen type emphasizing clarity and ease of long-term viewing, including the familiar Verdana, Galliard and Georgia. A recent work is MS Sitka, a family of digital fonts that are built to be readable at many sizes in print and onscreen.

»Print and online publications such as Sports Illustrated, Newsweek, Wired and the Washington Post have all commissioned Carter fonts, leading Microsoft's typography blog to call him “the person who shapes the way we read about the world.”

»Carter is a principal of Carter & Cone Type Inc., a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based company specializing in designing and producing original typefaces. As he says: “A typeface is a beautiful collection of letters, not a collection of beautiful letters.”

»What others say

»“The most important typography designer of our time.” — Design Museum».

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